Fünf Freunde

Famous Five on a Treasure Island

Complete Solution

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Screenshot (Title)

Seit einigen Tagen steht mir nun das Spiel in unterschiedlichen Versionen zur Verfügung. Auffällig ist, daß die Sinclair-Version auf dem SPIN-Emulator keine Grafik außer dem Titelbild und den Kopf-Grafiken (erscheinen, wenn man den Charakter ändert) besitzt und ansonsten rein text-basiert ist.
Die sonstigen C64, Atari und Sinclair-Versionen (ich selber habe davon keine Version auf dem PC emulieren können), haben die für CGA typische 8-Farben- Darstellung aus gelb, rot, hellgrün, cyan, magenta, schwarz, grau und weiß. (Bildschirmfotos aus dem Internet auf der linken Seite).
Die Amiga-Version auf dem Emulator WinUAE dagegen ist grafisch deutlich anspruchsvoller; es hat eine 64-Farben-Darstellung (Bildschirmfoto auf der rechten Seite) und Mausunterstützung. Außerdem enthält es eine Menüleiste, mit der man wichtige Aufrufe erreichen kann. Desweiteren sieht man eine Prozentzahl, zu der man das Abenteuer durchgespielt hat.
Daneben fällt auf, daß sich die Komplettlösung hier auf der Amiga-Version leicht unterscheidet (meine Anmerkungen in Klammern).
Da das Spiel englisch ist, folgen die weiteren Angaben in englisch. Die Musterlösung basiert auf einer Lösung, die ich nun auch im Internet gefunden habe und mit meinen Anmerkungen versehen habe. Einzugeben ist immer der fettgeschriebene Text (ohne eventuell in Klammern stehende Worte).
Die mangelnde Grafik wir durch sehr gute Beschreibungen ausgeglichen, die zum großen Teil aus den Büchern übernommen wurden.


 The term has ended, and the hols are here at long last - hurrah! Your Aunt Fanny has kindly invited you to stay at Kirrin Village by the sea along with your brother Dick and your sister Anne. Let's hope there are lots of adventures waiting for us there.
For: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Sinclair Spectrum, Commodore 64 and SAM Computer
Versions Tested: Atari ST, Amstrad CPC and Sinclair Spectrum (in brackets the Amiga version), C64. In C64 version you are not able to become George in the beginning. So, proceed as described below, until you have collected everything and want to leave for Kirrin Island. Then you go to the shop to buy the ices and then search George throughout Kirrin Village and Kirrin Cottage (often she is on the eastern part of the beach, where Alf lives and her boat lies). Then give her the ices and go to the beach to fetch Timmy from Alf. Enter boat and proceed as described.

This game was based on the first of Enid Blyton's Famous Five adventures where the Five meet for the first time. Julian was the head along with his brother Dick and sister Anne. They first meet their cousin George (Georgina) and her dog Timmy in this story and they go on to have lots of adventures.

The game centrals around Kirrin Island, which belongs to George's family and a wreck which is swept up onto some rocks after a storm.

A map is discovered in the wreck and it has one word on it - ingots. It is another word for gold. Someone offers to buy Kirrin Island in order to get the ingots and the Five decide to go to the island and get the ingots before the villain does.

Before start playing, some quick hints: For easier and quicker playing you can use u (up), d (down), n (north), s (south), w (west), e (east), ne (northeast), nw (northwest), se (southeast), sw (southwest) and (On Amiga: [Enter] for wait). p pauses and resumes the game.
If the children are hungry, tell the one who carries the sandwiches or the scones to eat them, e.g. "Dick eat sandwiches"...
Use ramsave, ramload to save during game.
For easier orientation here you can find a map of the game: Click here.

EXAMINE SHELVES, READ BOOKS (suggestion in books will be useful later)


Screenshot (Inside the train) You start the game as Julian inside the train. Wait four times until the train stops at the station. During this time, Dick will give one or two comments.
Leave train and you end up on Kirrin Station.

Wait for Aunt Fanny to finish talking. Then go east, east, east until you end up in the grocers shop. Buy ices and then become George.

Screenshot (Inside the train)
Screenshot (Kirrin station)

George's start location is entirely at random, so find your way to the village location where you can go southwest. Go in that direction and then go east. Become Julian again and give George ices. This will make her become friends with you and she will follow you.

It is important to become friends with George otherwise you cannot get far into the adventure. For a laugh, try not making friends with George and try and go along with the solution and see what happens

Become George again and go west. Then go northeast, then go north. Then go northeast again and east.

Talk to Alf and he will bring Timmy the dog. Go west, then southwest and west.

Screenshot (Kirrin station)
Screenshot (Kirrin Cottage) You will be at Kirrin Cottage. Open door and go west.

Aunt Fanny will talk to you, and then she will put Timmy outside. Tell Anne go north in order to get a few things, then go south. The rest of you will be in the living room. Turn on wireless and Joanna will come to turn it off. You will learn about the incoming storm here. Become Anne and then go west. Open door and then go southeast. Get all scones, (the lemonade) and the cake. Become George and turn on wireless again. Joanna will come and turn the wireless off. Tell Joanna drop gloves.

Make sure you do these instructions right and done first time, because if you turn the wireless on too many times, Uncle Quentin will send you back home...

Become Anne and go northwest and then west into the garden. Get spade and go east. Joanna will have returned and sends you into the dining room. Become George again. Then get gloves and wear gloves. Go north, north and meet back up with Anne.

Screenshot (Kirrin Cottage)

Go south. Up. Go south into Aunt Fanny and Uncle Quentin's room. Examine clock and then take batteries. Go north and then west. You are at the other end of the landing. Go south into the spare room. Examine bed followed by get matches. Go north, east and down. Go west to the other side of the hallway. Then go north into the dark cupboard. (Light match and) get torch and go south. Then give matches to Julian. Insert batteries into torch and then give torch to Dick and go south.

You are now in Uncle Quentin's study. Open Windows and go west into the garden. Go north into the shed. Get rope then go south. Go southeast and then northeast to get to the front garden where you are reunited with Timmy. Go east, northeast and finally east to get to the far side of the beach.

Enter Boat will let you get into the boat. Take oars and then row boat (six times) to get to Kirrin Island. You must be George in order to get past the rocks. (Readers of the books will know why). Leave boat and then pull boat (otherwise the boat will be wrecked in the storm). Go northeast and you will be under the stone archway of the castle.

Screenshot (Kirrin Island)
Screenshot (The ruine of Kirrin Island) Go east and wait two times until Timmy chases rabbits and ends up underground. (Sometimes Timmy goes underground when you get to the location). Pull bushes and you will find an entrance. Go down and get Timmy. Go back up. Tell Anne give me spade. Then give rope to Dick followed by west and southwest. Tell Dick unwrap Sandwiches. The paper drops to the ground and tell Anne pick up paper, (or she does it by herself). Then tell Anne eat cake. Crumbs drop to the ground. Pick crumbs.

(Wait until) you see a storm brewing out at sea. Go northeast, east, south and northeast. Examine heather. You will find a tree stump. Tell Dick tie rope to stump and tell Dick drop rope. Go down.

Then tell Dick go up. Drop all, tell Anne drop all and tell Julian drop all. Take oars and take spade. Tell Julian take paper, Julian take matches and Julian take crumbs. Go up. Then go southwest and north. Then go northeast. Tell Julian drop crumbs. The jackdaws come down and get the crumbs. Sticks fall to the ground. Take sticks (or Julian does it by himself). Rain beats down and soaks you to the skin. Go southwest, east and east.

Screenshot (The ruine of Kirrin Island)
Screenshot (The box on Kirrin Island) Wait 10 times until you start sneezing. Drop sticks and Julian light match. (Julian drops the sticks into the recess and lights a match.) Then tell Julian light paper and Julian light sticks. He then lights the sticks and starts a fire which helps you get rid of the sneezes. Become Julian. Screenshot (The box on Kirrin Island)
Extinguish paper. Go west, west, then south, then northeast. Go down. Strike crate. You will find an axe. Get axe and then go west. You will see the wreck of a ship.

Enter wreck. Go down and then west. You will be in the Captain's cabin. Examine seaweed. You will find a cupboard. Strike cupboard.

Open cupboard. You will find an old wooden box. Take box then go east and up. Leave wreck. Go southwest, then south to get back to the cove.

Become George and push boat. Then enter boat. Row boat six times to get back to the mainland. Leave boat. Go west then southwest and then go west to get back to Kirrin Cottage. Open door and then west to go in. Go up, up to get into the attic. (Open trunk and Julian take candle.) Open window. Tell Julian throw box.

Screenshot (Inside the wrack on Kirrin Island)
Screenshot (Quentin's study) It will crash onto the ground outside. Down, Down, then west, south and west. Uncle Quentin will come out and take the box. Go southeast and northeast and you will be at the front of Kirrin Cottage. Open door and go west, west. Wait until you hear Uncle Quentin snoring. Creep south. Open drawer. Take box and open box. Screenshot (Quentin's study)
Screenshot (The map) Stuff will fall out of it. Drop box and take map and read map. You will see the map to Kirrin Castle and on it, it says, "here be ingots".

Creep north. Uncle Quentin wakes up and takes the map from you. Wait three times and Timmy will point East and growl. The Stranger enters and will go south. For a while, Timmy will point south and growl and you will hear the sounds of heated discussion coming from inside Uncle Quentin's study.

Wait until the Stranger leaves. Uncle Quentin will come out and tell you that the Stranger plans to buy Kirrin Island. Go east, open door and go east, east, northeast and east. Enter boat. Row boat six times to get to the island. Leave boat and go southeast and northeast. Tell Dick get rope and Dick untie rope. Go southwest and north to get into the castle. Go east. Dig (with spade). You will hear something strike underground. Tell Timmy dig and he will reveal a stone with an iron ring in it.

Examine slab and you will discover an iron ring on it.
Become Dick. Tie rope to ring and pull rope. If the ring refuses to move, make sure everyone is pulling! The entrance to the dungeons is revealed. Untie rope and turn on torch. Then go down, down.

Become George. (in Amiga: Julian must have the axe, matches and the candle. in all versions: Dick must have the torch) Go west. Go northwest, northwest, south. Examine column and you will find a grille set into it. Examine grille and then push grille.

Go north and southwest, southwest.

Screenshot (The map)
Screenshot (The door to the cellar) You will be at a door. 
(Julian light match, Julian light candle.) Julian strike door. Dick will get a splinter and will go up to the fresh air. In some versions, Anne will go with him. Then open door and (If candle goes out before, become Julian, light match) north.
Screenshot (The door to the cellar)
Screenshot (The bars of gold) You will be in the dungeon. It is filled with gold ingots left there  by one of George's ancestors. Julian and George will be captured by Jake and the Stranger (match will go out).

Become Dick.
  If you are on the Southern cliffs: Go north.
  If you are on the Northern cliffs: Go south, northeast, east.
Go down, down.

Tie rope to ladder and drop rope. Go down and west. Go north and southwest, southwest. Look. You will see some matting. Examine matting. Take key. Then unlock door and open door. Then go north. Take gold and go south, (in Amiga: south, in all other versions northeast to hide). Wait till Julian explains his plan. Wait (long time) until Timmy growls. Wait. North. Close Door. Lock Door. Then go northeast, northeast and southeast, southeast, then east and up, up.

Then go west. To fetch Anne, go down, up. Together go west and southwest. Become George. Then enter rowing boat and row boat six times (again) to get to the mainland. Leave boat.

Become Dick. Then go west, southwest, west, open door, west and you get into the hallway of Kirrin Cottage. Look for Uncle Quentin throughout Kirrin Cottage. After he has talked to George, give gold to Quentin.

Wait for the Police to arrive. Leave Kirrin Cottage to the front garden and then go east, northeast and then east.

Become George and enter boat. Row boat six times (for the final time). Leave boat. Go northeast and east, east.

Become Dick. Go down, down. Then go west, northwest, northwest and then southwest, southwest. Unlock door and the door will open. Jake and the Stranger will come out and the police will arrest them.

Well done, you have completed the game. But the adventures are far from over - the Five will be together again in the Christmas holidays to deal with the renegade tutor in Five go Adventuring Again, available soon...

Screenshot (The bars of gold)